If your avatar has an animation which seems “stuck”, or you cannot make it stop there are a few things you can do to help us help you.
First, determine if the “stuck” animation only happens in a specific region, or if the animation continues to play in all regions.
You can first try running a new animation on your avatar if you have one to try, then stop that animation. This will sometimes correct the issue.
If the issue still persists, and is only happening in a single region, a restart of the region will sometimes correct things, but obviously you will need to have restart rights on the region to try this. If you don’t have restart rights, please send the owner a message asking them to restart the region, or submit a support ticket and we’ll be glad to restart it.
If both of these attempts fail and your avatar is still animated, you’ll need to submit a support ticket. When submitting the support request, please let us know the name of the avatar, and which region this is happening in and we’ll get it solved for you quickly.