Welcome to HyperGrid City!
Your Search is finally over!
Your Search is finally over!
How does your current provider compare?
You’ll be hard pressed to find another Virtual world which offers all of these great features, the performance, stability, reliability, all at a price comparable to ours. We suspect it will be a long time before others can compete with all of this, by then, we’ll have already raised the bar again.
You can now choose to “Reserve” the use of a specific last name. You can then provide users with a “Token” which will allow them to create an avatar with this specific last name. Without the token, users will not be able to create an avatar with the reserved last name.
There are no restrictions on which types of content is allowed to leave.
Some virtual worlds do not allow certain types of content to leave their world, but we do not restrict anything.
Upload sounds, images, textures, animations, mesh all at no charge!
Create in-world classifieds for free!
Downloading a backup of your inventory is free!
We don’t charge you to upload inventory files from other worlds.
Renaming your region is free.
Our parent company started this trend, and we are continuing to offer a 7 day “No Questions Asked” guarantee. If you aren’t pleased, for any reason, we’ll refund your money.
Imagine decorating your region for each of the 4 seasons, and then afterwards creating a restore point. You can then choose the restore point and clicking a button will load the specific version (Season) of your region. You can do that here. You choose when to make the restore point(s), and you can choose when to load it into your region via our control panel.
What is a custom signup page? Why might I need that?
A custom signup page allows you to define your own “Starter” avatars and your own “Landing” location. With this feature, you can use the custom signup page as a standalone page, or you could embed it into your website and direct users to signup there. The user would then choose from one of your pre-defined starter avatars, and upon logging in for the first time, would land in a region and location within the region, of your choosing. This is a great feature for role play groups!
If you were to have trouble with another avatar and wish to ban them from your region, or all of your regions, you can do this in real time using the control panel. No region restarts needed!
No need to worry about low limits on the number of avatars allowed in your region as we have you covered.
Do you have an uninvited guest? You’ve asked them to leave, but they won’t? Use the “Kick” button in the control panel and “Poof”, they’ll be gone!
Unlike some other virtual worlds, we never claim ownership of any of your content either in full, or in part – it’s yours and yours alone!
After logging in, you can open/use our destination guide to help you find/explore various places as it does indeed work in our World.
You can never be too careful with region backups and this is the reason we store 30 days worth of backups and we store them in 4 different locations to ensure we have them when you need them.
The default Asset server most virtual worlds use is quite limited and has some issues which make it not the best choice for a production environment. Our team has addressed many of the shortcomings and have created our own custom asset server which not only saves each asset in numerous locations (asset nodes), but it is also self healing as if any of those locations should have a corrupt, or missing asset, our system will add or replace the asset in that location as needed to ensure we can always serve it up. This system is spread over a number of different machines we call nodes, and is easily expanded as we grow Having the assets in various locations allows us to ensure we will always have the asset and can deliver it.
Sadly, even in virtual life we lose friends and loved ones. You can choose to designate a list of instructions you would like for us to follow upon your assumed demise. You can define certain criteria and when that criteria is met, we will follow your “Legal” instructions as defined.
You can choose to have us contact a specific virtual world user and let them know, or to pass a message, you can designate a specific person to receive ownership of all of your HyperGrid City currency, inventory, regions/content, etc. We will do our best to contact these individuals on your behalf and give them the message you leave behind, or to give them the access they need to your accounts if that is your desire.
We support Animesh if using a supported viewer.
Control the tides in your region with scripts!
This is very useful for sailing and other wind related tasks.
You can easily partner and dissolve a partnership with another avatar in-world.
Creating a group is free in HyperGrid City!
Creating in-world events is FREE!
Uploading an OAR file to your region is free.
Downloading a backup (OAR file) of your region is free.
Moving your region to a different location on the map is free.
Our “Best in Class”, Powerful, control panel allows you to manage many aspects of your avatars, groups, estates, estate managers, classifieds, events, and regions. No other control panel comes close.
Many worlds only allow you to restart your region if you are inside the region, but what happens if your region is locked up? You won’t be able to go there to restart it, which means you have to ask someone to restart it for you, which on some grids might take awhile, but here, you can restart your region in-world, or via our web based control panel – no need to wait.
Each region owner will have god permissions inside his/her owned regions.
You will be able to choose to allow or disallow HyperGrid users visiting your region. If HyperGrid access has been turned off, You and others will still be able to travel from your region to other HyperGrid destinations, but non local users will not be able to enter your region.
Need to order a new region? No need to search for sometimes confusing map coordinates, simply click a spot on the map where you want your region placed.
Don’t want the hassle of creating your own terrain? Tired of terraforming your land? Simply choose one of our pre-made Terrain files and click a button and the file will be installed for you. Change it at any time!
You can choose to define estate managers and those estate managers will also be able to restart your regions.
We are fully GDPR compliant. We always ask for your permission to collect your data. We will explain which data we want to collect, why we collect it, what we use it for, who we share it with, and how long we’ll keep it. We allow you to request copies of all data we have collected from you and we’ll be happy to delete it if you wish.
Your region(s) are always on. We don’t shut them down when they aren’t being used, therefore there is no waiting when you, or someone else wants to visit your region. To ensure the region is available, we have a “Watchdog” which constantly checks the region to ensure it is running and ready for use. If it is ever found to be “Crashed”, or not responding, our watchdog will restart it automatically.
Our team has 35+ years of combined experience in operating, managing, supporting, and participating in various virtual worlds and are ready and waiting to help to solve any issues, or to answer any questions you might have.
You can choose to use either our inworld search engine via your viewer, or you can use our powerful web based search engine.
You can choose to have any offline messages your avatar receives sent to your email.
The intended purpose of the “Suitcase” in your inventory was to limit which inventory items you had access to while in other worlds. This suitcase system has good intentions and it does help in some cases, but can be frustrating and confusing at times. We don’t use it, so “ALL” of your inventory will be accessible anywhere you go.
Anyone can file a DMCA take down request and we’ll honor it as required.
We support the Environmental Enhancement Project (EEP) which is now supported by several viewers.
Some providers like to create many “Virtual” servers and place them all onto one or more “Physical” servers. Physical servers have a limited amount of resources such as ram, cpu power, hard drive space, bandwidth and the virtual machines placed on them all have to share/compete for these resources. They do this to help keep their expenses low at the cost of slightly lowering the performance for their users. Imagine multiple virtual machines all trying to share the same internet connection on the physical machine.
Some even shutdown the regions when they aren’t being used which causes users to have to wait for them to be started up before they can be used.
We use only “Physical”, professional grade, dedicated servers with each having a super fast internet connection to ensure the best possible performance for our users. You won’t find any “Cloud” servers/Virtual machines here!
We constantly monitor each of our servers to ensure none is overloaded and will be able to perform at their best, all of the time.
Can your current provider’s Control panel do this?
With our advanced region manager, you will have powerful control over your region.
You can designate Region/Estate managers for your regions which will allow those managers to restart your regions on your behalf and also have GOD permissions in your regions.
Our group manager will allow you to easily work with your groups.
Viewers are well known for becoming confused and showing your avatar as a cloud. Sometimes, you might attach something to your avatar you picked up from somewhere else only to find it causes an issue for your avatar.
As we all know, offline messages are “Capped”, meaning only a certain number of offline messages will be kept and later delivered to you once you log back into the virtual world. Sometimes, we just can’t make it back in before we reach that cap. Now you can simply login to the control panel and retrieve your offline messages.
Adding a new in-world event is easy using the control panel. Simply fill in the details of your event and click a button to post. Your event will then show up in the in-world event listings and on our calendar.
It’s easy to find in-world events to attend using the events calendar inside the control panel
The control panel will allow you to view and/or download your in-world transactions as a CSV, or xls file.
Upon logging into the control panel, if there are any new grid alerts, or other admin messages, they will appear at the top of the page.
Would you like to change the name of the estate your region is in? You can do that easily using the control panel.
Submitting a support request is easy using the control panel. Receive any needed help or answers fast.
Answers to common questions.
Why should I choose Hyper Grid City over other virtual worlds?
– We have features/tools you won’t find elsewhere which make it easier for you to manage your virtual life.
– Most powerful control panel
– Stability
– Reliability
– Experienced Support
– Content Freedom
– Affordable
– Backups when you need them
– Custom Asset Server
I’m from SL, can I bring my SL content here?
Most content from SL cannot be legally exported and used elsewhere. If the content is legally allowed to be exported and used elsewhere, you are welcome to use it here.
Can I use the Athena Mesh body here?
Athena versions above 3.5 are welcome here.
Can I use a child avatar in HyperGrid City?
Child avatars are permitted, but only in PG rated areas and can never be nude or participate in Sexual role play of any kind, including flirting.
I cannot travel to the DigiWorldz grid, why is that?
Rules in DigiWorldz prohibit allowing users from HyperGrid City because we allow GOD permissions to our users in their regions here. This is done to protect the content of users inside DigiWorldz.
Do you/will you claim ownership of the content I upload?
Never. Your content is yours and yours alone.
Which type of content am I able to upload and use here?
If you have a legal right and/or license to use the content, it is allowed here.
Am I able to stream music and videos here?
If you legally have the right to use said content, it is permitted here as long as you adhere to the terms of the license on the content.
I have found content of mine being illegally used, what can I do?
You are welcome to file a legal DMCA take down request and upon being presented with said request, we will happily remove the content from our system.
Can I do illegal things here?
No, of course not.
Is gambling allowed here?
No, we do not permit gambling of any type.
Can I sell back my in-world currency to you for real money?
The currency in our world is provided by either Gloebit, or PODEX and is not provided or supported by us. We simply provide a means for these providers to serve you on our system. You can, in most cases, “Cash out” your in world currency to one of these 3rd parties and they will be happy to help you.
Which data do you collect from me when I use your systems?
Please check under the “Legal” link for more information covering our Terms of Service, Our privacy Policy, and our Data Collection Policy.
Is this a game?
While some users create content where you can indeed participate in games, our platform is a virtual world and not a gaming platform.
What can I do here?
There are a number of activities you can participate in such as social events, parties, build almost anything you can imagine, bring it to life using scripting, learn a new language, learn new skills, meet people from many walks of life and from many different parts of the world. You can go shopping, relax next to a beach, participate in role play scenarios, chat with, and/or hang out with friends, and more!
How much does it cost to create an account or avatar here?
It is FREE to create an avatar and to participate in many activities. We do offer virtual land for a fee, but you are not expected, or required to buy land, it is your choice.
Since I will have GOD permissions in my region, am I allowed to change permissions and make illegal copies of content?
Just as in the real world, you are not permitted by law to steal content, help another person steal content, or use content in a way the license does not allow, or as the content creator does not permit. Again, just as in the real world, you are expected to conduct yourself in a legal manner and follow the copyright laws. If you are found to have stolen another user’s content, changed the permissions on any content to enable you or another person to use that content in a way the creator did not intend, or otherwise do something illegal, you will be legally liable for your actions.
Just as in the real world, you can walk down the street, or sidewalk and walk into another person’s yard and “take” something without permission and leave, but that is stealing and is illegal and if caught, you would be legally liable for your actions. Virtual life is no different.
If I’m having trouble with another user can you help me?
You have a mute function in your viewer and it will work as expected, please use it. You can also ban users from the land you own. If you are being harrased in another way which you cannot solve, we’ll be happy to help. We cannot help you with issues which do not take place on our systems.
What is your relationship with DigiWorldz?
HyperGrid City is owned, and is operated, by DIGIWORLDZ LLC. HyperGrid City is a brand name of DIGIWORLDZ LLC.
Our rules are different in order to serve the wants/needs of different user bases.
Do the rules, privacy policy, and data collection policy of DigiWorldz apply here?
While some of the rules and policies are the same, or similar to those found in the DigiWorldz virtual world, we have a separate set of rules and policies which apply in HyperGrid City due to the different user bases each virtual world serves.
What are the differences between HyperGrid City and DigiWorldz?
The DigiWorldz grid has been in operation since 2015 and is well respected within the community and is known for providing a great performing platform, having fair prices, great support, being stable, reliable and for enforcing stricter rules and policies to more strongly protect the users who call DigiWorldz home.
HyperGrid City was started in 2021 as we have been asked by many to “Loosen” some of the restrictions we have in DigiWorldz and we will never do that as our core users depend on us and expect the level of protection they are used to, so we’ve decided to create an alternative (HyperGrid City) where users can still realize the great features, stability, reliability, and performance of DigiWorldz, but with fewer restrictions.
What are some of the restrictions we’ve removed for HyperGrid City and other benefits?
– Region owners have god permissions in their region.
– There is no suitcase – all inventory travels with you.
– There are no restrictions on the type of content which is able to leave HyperGrid City.
– We do not ban travel to/from any grids except under very special circumstances.
– OAR backups and Inventory Backups include all items – you are expected to legally honor the license of all content found in these files.
What are some of the other differences?
– We have automated many of the features of HyperGrid City.
– We do not offer what many call the “Grid within a Grid” service which is found only in DigiWorldz.
– We have implemented many additional tools so users can help themselves to a greater degree, lessening the amount of resources we need to dedicate to support.
What about hardware differences?
We still use the same type of servers we use everywhere else, so you can still expect the same level of performance from HyperGrid City as you find in DigiWorldz.
I worry about the security of my content, will it be safe in HyperGrid City?
No virtual world operator can guarantee total content security and if they tell you otherwise, they are misleading you.
The looser rules, and policies implemented in HyperGrid City make your content less safe than the content of users in DigiWorldz. If you want better content protections, you would be wise to use the DigiWorldz grid instead of HyperGrid City.
The level of content security you will find here is similar to that which you could expect to find in Osgrid, Metropolis, Alternate Metaverse, or a DreamGrid installation. Any other virtual world which allows users to connect their own regions, or which allows users to have god permissions, or those which provide OAR and/or IAR files without restrictions can also result in the theft of your content if you sell, or otherwise transfer any of your content to users from those types of worlds.
Any content you sell, or give to a user from one of these platforms can be taken back to their owned regions where they have god permissions and those items can be modified to allow them to circumvent the intended permissions if they desire. This means they can see your scripts, make additional copies of no copy content, transfer no transfer content, and/or change the listed creator by reloading an OAR file with that content inside, or by directly editing their database. They could then redistribute the content to others with themselves being listed as the creator.
Region owners in HyperGrid City will also have god permissions and could also do the same, but have agreed not to do this according to our terms of service. If this is of concern to you, you should make sure not to give and/or sell content to users on the above mentioned platforms, including HyperGrid City.
Content inside your region, so long as you don’t provide god permissions to another user by making them a region/estate manager is as safe as it is in DigiWorldz, but is still at risk by users who might use a copybot enabled viewer. All Grids/Virtual worlds using a viewer based on SL code is at risk from the same.
If you don’t allow other users into your region, and they are not able to use their camera to see into your region, and you do not sell, or otherwise transfer content to another user, your content will be very safe and most likely will never be stolen.
Your prices are a bit higher in some cases than others, why is that?
Our pricing is set at sustainable levels which allows us to ensure we are able to continually support our users, expand as needed, repair thngs if/when it is required, maintain our world’s performance at a high level, cover the costs of programming new features, pay various licensing fees, pay for fast, professional grade servers, cover the costs of various transaction and other banking related fees, marketing, and taxes.
Many, virtual worlds “spring up”, offering services at very low prices to attract users, and later find the pricing level they’ve chosen is far too low as they cannot afford all of the “Behind the scenes” expenses users do not see, but expect.
We know this as our team has helped many other virtual worlds by providing hosting and/or technical services to them for many years.
Often, these virtual worlds will advertise they have all of the features of the bigger, well known virtual worlds such as 30 days of backups, stored in various locations, multiple database backup machines waiting to take over if their “Core” database should ever fail, find themselves in trouble because they cannot pay their taxes on the income they are generating, and more.
These virtual worlds will often find the cheapest servers they can obtain, and load as many regions onto these servers as they can which results in poor performance for their users.
They often find themselves in a very bad situation where they cannot afford the storage space required to keep backups, the additional machines and databases required to maintain a level of “Fault Tolerance”, to pay for the development of new features, and the list goes on and on.
Meanwhile, the users have no idea what is going on behind the scenes and with each passing day their performance gets worse and worse.
Eventually a day comes when a server crashes, a database crashes, or someone simply makes a mistake and backups, and/or database slave servers are needed to correct things. If they don’t have these things as they have advertised, they can’t fix things. We’ve seen this happen again and again.
Who pays the price? Mostly it is the users who trusted they were getting what was being advertised, but the virtual world owner is also paying a price as they are now frantically trying to correct things but don’t have the resources to do it. Stressful times indeed!
Our prices are as low as they can be and still allow us to provide exactly what we advertise.
We’ll never lie, or mislead our users for any reason and we’ll never sacrifice our performance by overloading our servers.
There are indeed cheaper, and in some cases free alternatives, but in the end, you get what you pay for.